Everybody wants to strike it rich and find the gold at the rainbow’s end, but you don’t need to look so far. The four golden nuggets of marketing are right here for you to use. Even before the era of digital marketing, all these pieces were there. It would be best if you tweaked and update yourself to the years of Twitter and Instagram.
1). A Catchy Slogan
The best slogans are the ones we will always remember. “Where’s the beef?” is repeated now and then, even years after the famous Wendy’s commercials. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” represents more than just Sin City and can be heard in shows, movies, and among regular people worldwide. Or how about KFC’s Finger-lickin’ sound?” Everybody knows that slogan began with fried chicken, but it’s become a household phrase for anything good, advertising for the chain no matter what we eat or where we are.
But you can be something other than a big chain or city to gain recognition. A great slogan is a great slogan, and these days, there are plenty of ways to get your slogan circulating so that it becomes the next catchphrase on everybody’s lips.
My children and I used to pass a billboard advertising an attorney specializing in personal injury. It was just a picture of a guy, his name, and a phone number. Pretty simple. But we could only drive by with my kids singing the guy’s jingle they’d heard umpteen times on television. They could have been commercial. They knew the one to call, and they knew the phone number. The jingle was so catchy that they often sang it just for fun.
You don’t want to spend the cash to invest in television advertising, but radio can get your slogan or jingle out there too. Any channel somebody can hear you from is valid. For example, you could create a u-tube video or add a video to your website. And, if you are unsure how to make videos or effectively post them on a website, great companies like Padika Marketing Solutions in Toronto can post your videos, make them for you, and even come up with the perfect catchy slogan.
With the right words, your fortune may come to you. And, with a catchy slogan, children a generation from now may just still be singing your slogan to their parents while you are long retired to wherever your paradise is.
2). Image or Brand
One of the biggest problems new companies have is defining their image. They are only sometimes sure of who they are and what they stand for. They don’t necessarily care as long as they make money but should care. Knowing who you are as a company and defining an image that exemplifies that precisely is what will draw success.
True, you can’t please everybody. But it is better to offend some while pleasing others than to be wishy-washing or mediocre and not be anything in particular to anybody. Defining your image will create a niche and give your company the cutting edge on the market. So don’t be afraid to be bold. Dare to be different. Go ahead and be completely outrageous. Marketing is about attracting attention and making people remember you. So what if you attract the wrong kind of attention? If that were to happen, at least you’ve got the attention of your market, so now you can change it up and re-work the message you are putting out to draw better attention. Any attention is better than no attention. And besides, anybody attracting attention is always under scrutiny, precisely because you cannot please everybody, and not everybody will be pleased that you are getting the attention they want – and the customers.
3). The Human Element
We often forget that we are selling to people – real people like us with problems, dreams, families, aches, pains, ideas, fears, and hopes. When we take the focus off just making money and the nitty-gritty of running a business and focus instead on the people we hope to serve, those people become more responsive. Real people need real help; that is what you offer as a business. So instead of focusing on everything you have to offer and what it does or how much it costs, focus on what people want and how you will help them.
Tell your company story about how and why you do what you do.
Engage the emotions, and you will gently tug in your customers.
Find a core value in your business; This will help define you and create common ground with people who share similar values. Identifying something in common creates bonds and customer loyalty before they even walk in the door.
4). Promotional Items
So you have the right words. You have a great slogan that will bring you the business you want.
You have defined an image.
You have found a human element in your business and how you do business.
Now you must provide the tangible. You need genuine items people can see and touch and concretize all these ideas, images, and phrases. What will you choose to represent your company other than a business card? If you go to a wedding, it is well to say that love is in the air, but somebody figured out that people like to have something to take home to remember the day by, other than a picture and memories, and your customers are no different.
Where is that pen from? …Oh yeah, that woman from the open house gave it to you. Wasn’t she a real estate agent? That house was lovely…
The array of promotional items is never-ending. From t-shirts to balloons, coffee mugs to posters, magnets to bumper stickers, and pens to paper, they will if it’s something people can use. You’ve just wedged a way into their lives, and they may just come back into yours with money to spend.
The bottom line is that our businesses are growing, evolving entities. It takes creativity to constantly market a business, to keep things fresh, yet retain a constant identity. It is work, but if you make it fun and explore the possibilities, your customers will reward you with appreciation – and business. The four golden nuggets of advertising are your rainbow of wealth, especially when work becomes play.